IBM Books

Software User's Guide Version 3.3

Configuring and Monitoring Point-to-Point Protocol Interfaces

This chapter describes Point-to-Point Protocol interface configuration and operational commands in the device. Sections in this chapter include:

Accessing the Interface Configuration Process

Use the following procedure to access the router's configuration process. This process gives you access to a specific interface's configuration process.

  1. At the OPCON prompt (*), enter the status command to find the PID for CONFIG. (See page *** for sample output of the status command.)

  2. At the OPCON prompt, enter the OPCON talk command and the PID for CONFIG. (For more detail on this command, refer to "What is the OPCON Process?".) For example:
    * talk 6

    After you enter the talk 6 command, the CONFIG prompt (Config>) displays on the console. If the prompt does not appear when you first enter CONFIG, press Return again.

  3. At the CONFIG prompt, enter the list devices command to display the network interface numbers for which the router is currently configured.

  4. Record the interface numbers.

  5. Enter the CONFIG network command and the number of the interface you want to configure. For example:
    Config> network 1

    The appropriate configuration prompt (such as TKR Config> for token-ring), now displays on the console.

Note:Not all network interfaces are user-configurable. For interfaces that cannot be configured, you receive the message:
     That network is not configurable

Accessing the PPP Interface Configuration Prompt

To display the PPP config> prompt:

  1. Enter list devices at the Config> prompt to display a list of interfaces.

  2. If you have not already done so, set the data link protocol on one of the serial interfaces to PPP by entering set data-link ppp at the Config> prompt. For example:
         Config> set data-link ppp
         Interface Number [0]? 2

  3. Enter network followed by the number of the PPP interface. For example:
         Config> network 2
         PPP config>

Point-to-Point Configuration Commands

Table 48 summarizes the PPP configuration commands, and the rest of this section explains these commands. Enter the commands at the PPP config> prompt.

Table 48. Point-to-Point Configuration Command Summary
Command Function
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 Disable   Disables data compression (CCP), DTR line handling, CHAP, PAP, ECP. Also disables SPAP authentication in Remote LAN Access Features images. 
 Enable   Enables data compression (CCP), DTR line handling, CHAP, PAP, ECP. Also enables SPAP authentication in Remote LAN Access Features images. 
 List   Lists all information related to the point-to-point interfaces protocols, parameters, and options. 
 Set   Sets physical line (HDLC) parameters, LCP parameters, generic NCP parameters, and various NCP-specific options. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".


Disables data compression, authentication protocols, multilink PPP, and the Lower DTR feature.










Disables the use of data compression on the interface. Refer to "Configuring and Monitoring Data Compression" in the Using and Configuring Features for more information.

Disables the use of the Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol. Refer to "Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)" for more information.

This allows the router not to force the use of ECP encryption on this interface. The interface will still accept and execute Encryption Control Protocol (ECP) if the peer is using ECP.
Note:Encryption support is optional and must be added to your software load using the load add command. See the CONFIG process load command in Access Integration Services Software User's Guide.

The use of multiple encryption (using encryption at both the IP Security Layer and at the Frame Relay or PPP data-Link Layer) within the router is restricted by U.S.A. Government export regulations. It is only supported in software loads that are under strict export control (software loads that support RC4 with 128 bit keys and Triple DES).

Determines the way the data terminal ready (DTR) signal is handled for leased serial-line interfaces that are disabled. If this parameter is set to "disabled" (the default) and the interface is disabled, the DTR signal is not dropped.

Disables the Multilink Protocol (MP) on this interface. See "Using the Multilink PPP Protocol" for more information.


disable mp
Disabled as a MP link

Disables Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption (MPPE) on this interface.
Note:Encryption support is optional and must be added to your software load using the load add command. See Load.

Disables MS-CHAP authentication on this interface. Disabling MS-CHAP has two effects upon MPPE, depending upon whether MPPE is configured as mandatory or optional. If MPPE is mandatory, disabling MS-CHAP brings down the link. If MPPE is optional, disabling MS-CHAP disables MPPE over the link. See Microsoft PPP CHAP Authentication (MS-CHAP) for more information.

Disables the use of the Password Authentication Protocol. Refer to "Password Authentication Protocol (PAP)" for more information.

Disables the use of the Shiva Password Authentication Protocol (SPAP).
Note:SPAP is only available on interfaces that have IBM DIALs Dial-In circuits configured.


Enables data compression, encryption, authentication protocols, lower-DTR, and the multilink PPP protocol on this PPP interface. If multiple authentication protocols are enabled, the device attempts to use them in the following priority order:

  1. MS-CHAP
  2. CHAP
  3. PAP










Enables the use of data compression on the interface.

Enables the use of the Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol. You are prompted for a rechallenge interval. Specify 0 if you do not want to rechallenge periodically after the initial authentication phase is complete. Refer to "Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)" for more information.


enable chap
Rechallenge Interval in seconds (0=NONE)  [0] 10
CHAP enabled

Enables the use of data encryption on this interface by negotiating Encryption Control Protocol (ECP). Once this is done, all PPP users with encryption enabled and with a valid encryption key must use ECP to connect to this port unless MS-CHAP is the active authentication protocol for the link. If the authentication protocol is MS-CHAP, ECP cannot be used; encryption must be accomplished using MPPE. PPP users without encryption enabled will still be able to connect to this interface.

When you enable ECP, you are prompted to enter the ECP encryption key for the local router. You must also provide the encryption key for the remote user when you use the talk 6 add ppp-user command at the Config> prompt to configure the remote user. MPPE does not require you to configure an encryption key on either the local or the remote user.
Note:Encryption support is optional and must be added to your software load using the load add command. See Load.

Determines the way the data terminal ready (DTR) signal is handled for leased serial-line interfaces that are disabled. If this parameter is set to "disabled" (the default) and the interface is disabled, the DTR signal is not dropped.

If Lower DTR is set to "enabled", then the DTR signal will be dropped when the interface is disabled. This behavior may be desirable in situations where the interface has been configured as an alternate link for WAN Reroute and the interface is connected to a dial-out modem which maintains its dial connection based on the state of the DTR signal.

When the interface is disabled, the DTR signal is low and the modem keeps the dial connection down. When the interface is enabled, due to a WAN Reroute backup scenario, DTR is raised and the modem dials a stored number to the backup site. When the primary interface is restored, the alternate interface is disabled, DTR is lowered, and the modem hangs up the dial connection.

The following cable types are supported:

Note:The enable lower-dtr command is not supported on PPP dial circuit interfaces.

Enables the Multilink Protocol (MP) on this interface. See "Using the Multilink PPP Protocol" for more information.


enable mp
Enabled as a MP link
Is this link a dedicated MP link? [no] yes
MP interface for this MP link? [0] 3

mppe [mandatory/optional] [stateless/stateful]
Enables Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption (MPPE). If MS-CHAP is not enabled on the interface, then MPPE cannot be enabled on that interface. See Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption (MPPE) in the chapter "Using and Configuring Encryption Protocols" in Using and Configuring Features for more information.

The client and the server must negotiate MPPE or the link will drop.

The client will attempt to negotiate MPPE, but if the negotiation fails, the PPP link will remain active.

Session keys will be regenerated after transmitting each packet. This function is currently not supported by Microsoft Dial-Up Networking (DUN) clients.

Session keys will be regenerated after transmitting every 256 packets.
Note:Encryption support is optional and must be added to your software load using the load add command. See Load.

Enables MS-CHAP authentication. When you enable MS-CHAP, you are prompted to provide the authenticator rechallenge interval. This value in seconds defines the length of time that will pass before the authenticator sends another challenge to the receiver of the authentication request to reconfirm the authentication. The value 0 indicates that no further challenges will be sent after the initial authentication.

Use the set name command to configure the name of the 2212 if the peer router is configured to authenticate the 2212's local name.

Note that MS-CHAP cannot be enabled if an external authentication server, as described in the chapter "Using Local or Remote Authentication" in Using and Configuring Features, has been configured. See Microsoft PPP CHAP Authentication (MS-CHAP) for more information.

Enables the use of the Password Authentication Protocol. Refer to "Password Authentication Protocol (PAP)" for more information.


Use the list command to display information related to the PPP interface and its protocol parameters and options.











Lists all options and parameters related to the PPP interface.

The list all command displays the output of all the individual list... parameters described below.

Lists the Bridging Network control protocol options.


list bcp
BCP Options
Tinygram Compression:DISABLED

Tinygram Compression:
Displays whether Tinygram Compression is enabled/disabled.

Displays the currently selected data compression options if data compression has been enabled. For additional information, see "Configuring and Monitoring Data Compression" in Using and Configuring Features.

If Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption (MPPE) and data compression are both enabled, the type of data compression is MPPC.

Displays the current Encryption Control Protocol state.


list ecp
 ECP Options
 Data Encryption enabled
 Algorithm list: DESE-CBC
 DESE (Data Encryption Standard Encryption Protocol)
Note:Encryption support is optional and must be added to your software load using the load add command. See Load.

Data Encryption Enabled/Disabled
Indicates whether data encryption is enabled or disabled on interface.

Algorithm List
Displays the supported encryption algorithms. DES, as described by RFC 1969, is the only encryption algorithm currently supported.

Lists parameters related to the High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) protocol. On PPP dial circuit interfaces, the "list hdlc" option is not available. For dial circuits, hardware data link parameters are a function of the base net rather than the PPP dial circuit. For additional information, see "Configuring and Monitoring Dial Circuits".


list hdlc
Encoding: NRZ
Idle State: Flag
Clocking:  Internal
Cable type:  V.35 DCE
Speed (bps): 6400
Transmit Delay Counter:  0
Lower DTR:  Disabled

HDLC transmission encoding scheme, either NRZ (non-return to zero) or NRZI (non-return to zero inverted).

Idle State:
Bit pattern, either Flag or Mark, transmitted on the point-to-point link when the interface is not transmitting data.

Interface clocking, either external or internal.

Cable type:
Specifies the type of cable in use (RS-232, V.35, or V.36).

Speed (bps):
The physical data rate of the interface. When clocking is internal, this is the data rate generated by the internal clock.

Transmit Delay Counter:
Number of flags sent between frames.

Lower DTR:
Enabled or Disabled. If Lower DTR is enabled, the router drops the DTR signal when a WAN Reroute alternate link is no longer needed. Dropping the DTR signal causes the modem to terminate the leased-line connection for the alternate link.


  1. The list hdlc command is not supported on PPP dial circuit interfaces.

  2. This command displays the Lower DTR state only if Lower DTR is supported for the configured cable type.

Lists the Internet Protocol control protocol options.


list ipcp
IPCP Options
IPCP Compression:                 None
Request an IP Address             No
Send Our IP Address:              Yes
Remote IP Address to Offer if Requested:

IPCP compression
Indicates whether the PPP handler accepts compressed IP headers. PPP supports Van Jacobson TCP/IP header compression (RFC 1144). Enable this option when the point-to-point link is running at a low baud rate.

A value of "Van Jacobson" indicates that header compression is supported. A value of "NONE" indicates that compressed headers are not being accepted.

Request an IP Address
Indicates whether IPCP is configured to retrieve the local IP address for this PPP interface from the remote end of the link in the initial "Configure Request".

Send Our IP Address
Indicates whether IPCP is configured to send the local IP address for this PPP interface to the remote end of the link in our initial "Configure Request". Some PPP implementations require this information.

Lists the Internet Protocol version 6 control protocol options.


list ipv6cp
IPv6CP Options
Send Our IP Address:               Yes

Send Our IP Address
Indicates whether IPv6CP is configured to send the local IP address for this PPP interface to the remote end of the link in our initial "Configure Request". Some PPP implementations require this information.

Lists the parameters and options for the Link Control Protocol.


PPP 7 Config>list lcp

LCP Parameters
Config Request Tries:               20   Config Nak Tries:                   10
Terminate Tries:                    10   Retry Timer:                      3000
LCP Options
Max Receive Unit:                 1522   Magic Number:                      Yes
Peer to Local (RX) ACCM:         A0000
Protocol Field Comp(PFC):           No   Addr/Cntl Field Comp(ACFC):         No   
Authentication Options
Authenticate remote using:   none
Identify self as:            ibm

Link Control Protocol includes the authentication protocols used to authenticate the remote peer. If the authentication protocol is either CHAP or Microsoft PPP CHAP (MS-CHAP), the rechallenge interval is displayed.


PPP 7 Config>list lcp

LCP Parameters
Config Request Tries:               20   Config Nak Tries:                   10
Terminate Tries:                    10   Retry Timer:                      3000
LCP Options
Max Receive Unit:                 1522   Magic Number:                      Yes
Peer to Local (RX) ACCM:         A0000
Protocol Field Comp(PFC):           No   Addr/Cntl Field Comp(ACFC):         No   
Authentication Options
Authenticate remote using:   MSCHAP or SPAP or CHAP or PAP  [Listed in priority order]
CHAP Rechallenge Interval:   0
MSCHAP Rechallenge Interval: 0
Identify self as:            ibm

Config Request Tries:
Number of times that LCP sends configure-request packets to a peer station while attempting to open a PPP link.

Config Nak Tries:
Number of times that LCP sends configure-nak ("not acknowledged") packets to a peer station while attempting to open a PPP link.

Terminate Tries:
Number of times that LCP sends terminate-request packets to a peer station to close a PPP link.

Retry Timer:
Number of milliseconds that elapse before packet transmission continues according to the number of times set by the "Config tries" parameter.

Max Receive Unit:
Displays the maximum information field (packet) size handled by the link.

Peer to Local (Rx) ACCM
Displays the characters that the peer must "escape" when transmitting packets to the router on asynchronous lines.

Magic Number:
Indicates whether the magic number loopback detection option is enabled.

Protocol Field Comp (PFC):
Indicates whether the PFC option is enabled.

Addr/Cntl Field Comp(ACFC):
Indicates whether ACFC is enabled.

Authenticate remote using:
A list of enabled authentication protocols.

Identify Self As:
The name set with the set name command.

Lists the parameters for all Network Control Protocols.


list ncp
NCP Parameters
Config Request Tries:        20   Config Nak Tries:         10
Terminate Tries:             10   Retry Timer:              3000

Config Request Tries:
Number of times NCP sends configure-request packets to a peer station while attempting to open a PPP link.

Terminate Tries:
While awaiting a Terminate-Ack, the number of times NCP sends Terminate-Request before it closes a PPP link.

Config Nak Tries:
Number of times NCP sends configure-nak (not acknowledged) packets to a peer station while attempting to open a PPP link.

Retry Timer:
Number of milliseconds that elapse before timing out of NCP's transmission of configure-request packets (to open the link) and terminate-request packets (to close the link).


Use the LLC command to access the LLC configuration environment (available only if APPN is included in the software load). See "LLC Configuration Commands" for an explanation of each of these commands.




Use the set command to set HDLC parameters, LCP options and parameters, IPCP options, BCP options, and NCP parameters. "Parameters" are related to internal operations for such things as retry counts. "Options" are things that are negotiated with the other end.


  1. Values immediately following the command option prompts reflect the current setting of that option. They are not always the default values illustrated in this chapter.

  2. The set hdlc commands are not supported on PPP dial circuit interfaces.



ccp options

ccp algorithms







Sets the Bridging Control Protocol (BCP) parameters.


set bcp

Tinygram Compression
Specifies whether or not Tinygram Compression is used. This option is useful for protocols that are prone to problems when bridged over low-speed (64 Kbps and below) lines. These protocols add zeroes between the data and the frame checksum to pad the Protocol Data Unit (PDU) to the minimum size. Tinygram compression removes the zeroes and preserves the frame checksum at the transmitting end. At the receiving end, it restores the packet to the minimum length.

ccp options
Prompts you for the configurable options of the compression algorithms. Some of the options may be modified later by PPP negotiations with the peer router on the WAN link. For additional information, see "Configuring and Monitoring Data Compression" in Using and Configuring Features .


            set ccp options
            STAC: check mode (0=none, 1=LCB, 2=CRC, 3=Seq, 4=Ext) [3]?
            STAC: # histories [1]?

STAC: check mode (0=none, 1=LCB, 2=CRC, 3=Seq, 4=Ext)
STAC compressed datagrams normally include a check value used by the two ends of the link to recognize when a compressed packet has been lost or corrupted, and some action is needed to re-synchronize the sender's and receiver's histories.
Note:Failure to detect a bad packet can cause all subsequent data to be decompressed incorrectly.

This option sets the exact form of check value used. Choose one of the following:

None: No check value is used. Without a check value, there is no way to determine that a packet has been lost, out-of-sequence, or corrupted. Do not use this mode unless the underlying data link provides reliable, sequenced packet delivery.

LCB: A "Longitudinal Control Byte" is used. This is a simple, 8-bit exclusive-OR checksum. Its usage is strongly discouraged because the receiver cannot detect a lost or an out-of-sequence packet, and the PPP frame checksum is a more reliable test of the packet's integrity.

CRC: A 16-bit cyclic redundancy checksum is used. Although this is a better test of a packet's integrity than the LCB, its use is still discouraged because the receiver still cannot use it to detect lost or out of sequence packets, and otherwise it becomes largely redundant with the frame checksum.

SEQ: An 8-bit sequence number is used (default). This is the preferred method of operation. If the number of histories is not 0, use of any other mode is strongly discouraged though another mode may be necessary for interoperability with certain non-RFC-compliant routers.

EXT: An extended mode that is similar to the sequence number mode, in that each packet includes a sequence number, but the compressed frame format is altered more radically. In extended mode, re-synchronization with a peer is performed differently than with the other modes; the signaling between the two nodes is based upon flags passed in the headers of compressed datagrams rather than distinct CCP control packets.

Extended mode is provided for compatibility with certain non- RFC-compliant implementations. It should be used only with clients that do not support mode 3.

STAC: # histories
This sets the number of compression "contexts" or "histories" that are used by the STAC compression engine.

A nonzero value means that the compression engine maintains the specified number of histories where it keeps information about previous data sent in packets. This historical data is used to improve the effectiveness of the compression.

The receiver maintains a similar history and as long as the transmitter and receiver keep their histories in sync, the receiver can properly decompress the packets it receives. If the histories get out of sync, packets are discarded as unusable data. Normally, you should set the number of histories to 1 unless the link quality is very poor.

A value of zero means that each packet sent is compressed without regard to any past packets sent and may always be reliably decompressed by the receiver. However, because the compressor cannot exploit any information derived from examining prior packets, the effectiveness of the compression usually is not as good.

Some implementations support more than one history, subdividing the data stream into separate streams that are compressed independently. The router does not support the use of more than one history on a PPP link.

ccp algorithms list-of-algorithms
Specifies an exact list of compression algorithms to use. The order of preference depends on the order of entry in the list. When MPPE is activated on the link, the order of the CCP algorithms is ignored and only Microsoft Point-to-Point Compression (MPPC) is used.

When the link negotiates compression with another node, it offers the entire list of protocols to the peer node in preference order. The peer node should select the first protocol it can use from the preference list. Enabling multiple protocols allows the peer to dictate which compression algorithm will be used on the link. If you need to avoid an algorithm, do not specify the algorithm in the list.

Specifying none disables the use of any protocol effectively disabling compression. The valid compression algorithms are:

The STAC-LZS algorithm as described in RFC 1974

The Microsoft Point-to-Point Compression algorithm as described in RFC 2118.
set ccp algorithms
PPP 6 Config>set ccp alg
Enter a prioritized list of compression algorithms (first is preferred),
all on one single line.
Choices (can be abbreviated) are:
Compressor list [STAC-LZS]? stac mppc

hdlc cable cable type
Set the HDLC cable type (that is connected to the interface) to one of the following types:
RS-232 DTE
RS-232 DCE

Example: set hdlc cable rs-232 dce

A DTE cable is used when you are attaching the router to some type of DCE device (for example, a modem or a DSU/CSU).

A DCE cable is used when the router is acting as the DCE and providing the clocking for direct attachment.

hdlc clocking external or internal
To connect to a modem or DSU, configure external clocking and select the appropriate DTE cable with the set hdlc cable command. Use the set hdlc speed command to configure the line speed.

To connect directly to another DTE device, configure internal clocking, select the appropriate DCE cable with the set hdlc cable command, and configure the clocking/line speed with the set hdlc speed command.

Default: external

Example: set hdlc clocking internal

hdlc encoding NRZ or NRZI
Sets the HDLC transmission encoding scheme for an interface. Encoding may be set for NRZ (non-return to zero) or NRZI (non-return to zero inverted). NRZ is the more widely used encoding scheme while NRZI is used in some IBM configurations. The default value is NRZ.

Example: set hdlc encoding nrz

hdlc idle flag or mark
Sets the data link idle state to either Flag or Mark.

The flag option provides continuous flags (7E hex) between frames.

The mark option puts the line in a marking state (OFF, 1) between frames.

Example: set hdlc idle flag

hdlc speed value

For internal clocking, use this command to specify the speed of the transmit and receive clock lines.

For external clocking, this command does not affect the operation of the WAN/serial line but it does set the speed that some protocols, such as IPX, use to determine routing cost parameters. You should set the speed to match the actual line speed. If the speed is not configured, the protocols assume a speed of 1 000 000 bps.

Valid Values:
Internal Clocking: 2400 to 2 048 000 bps
External Clocking: 2400 to 6 312 000 bps
Note:If you want to use a line speed greater than 2 048 000 bps when external clocking is configured, you can only do this on:

  • port 1 of the integrated WAN ports

  • port 1 of the 4-port WAN CPCI or PMC adapter

All other WAN ports on the same adapter must be clocked at 64 000 bps or less.

Example: set hdlc speed 56000

hdlc transmit-delay value
Sets the number of flags sent between frames. The purpose of this command is to slow the serial line so that it is compatible with older, slower serial devices at the other end.

The range is 0 to 15. The default is 0.

Example: set hdlc transmit-delay 15

Sets all Internet Protocol Control Protocol options for that link.


set ipcp
Number of Slots:   [16]?
Request an IP address [no]:
Send our IP address [yes]:
Note: unnumbered interface addresses will not be sent.
Interface remote IP address to offer if requested (0 for none) []?

IPCP compression
Selects whether or not the PPP handler will accept compressed IP data. PPP supports Van Jacobson (VJ) TCP/IP header compression as described in RFC 1144. You should enable this option when the point-to-point link is running at a low baud rate.

Setting this value to yes enables the compression option. Setting this value to no disables the option. The default setting is no.

Sets the number IP headers that are saved for referential purposes when determining the type of compression that is enabled. The range is 1 to 16. The default is 16.

Request an IP address
Specifies if the local IP address for this interface should be retrieved from the remote end of the link. You should set this option to yes if the other end of this link provides the IP address. This is a typical feature provided by ISPs (Internet Service Providers).

This interface will need to have a proper IP configuration for this requested address to become usable. Specifically, Dynamic-Address must be enabled on this interface.
Note:The next question, Send Our IP address, will not be displayed if Request an IP address is set to yes.

Send Our IP address
Specifies whether or not to send the local IP address to the remote end of the link. You should set this option to yes if the other end of the link requires the IP address.

If this value is set to yes, IPCP will send the IP address of the PPP interface, if the interface is configured with a numbered IP address, (that is, the address does not begin with 0). If this option is set to no and the peer sends us a Configure NAK with for the IP Address option, the 2212 will respond with the address of the PPP interface if it is configured with a numbered address.

Sets the IPv6 Control Protocol option for the link.


set ipv6cp
Send Our IP address [no]:

Send Our IP address
Specifies whether or not to send the local IPv6 address to the remote end of the link. Set this option to yes if the other end of the link requires the IPv6 address.

If this parameter is set to yes, IPv6CP will send the IPv6 address of the PPP interface, if the interface is configured with a numbered IPv6 address, (that is, the address does not begin with 0). If this option is set to no and the peer sends us a Configure NAK with ::/0 for the IPv6 address option, the 2212 will respond with the address of the PPP interface if it is configured with a numbered address.

lcp options or parameters
Sets the Link Control Protocol options and parameters for the PPP link.


set lcp options
Maximum Receive Unit (bytes) [2048]?
Magic Number [yes]:
Peer-to-Local Async Control Character Map (RX ACCM) [A0000] ?
Protocol Field Compression (PFC) [no]?
Addr/Cntl Field Compression (ACFC) [no]?

Maximum receive unit
Sets the maximum size of the information field that are transferred in a single datagram. The range is 576 to 4089 bytes. The default is 2048.

Magic number
Specifies whether or not the magic number option is enabled. The magic number provides a way of detecting looped back links in serial line configurations. When this option is enabled, the link uses the system clock as a random number generator. The random numbers that are generated are referred to as magic numbers.

When the LCP receives a Configure Request with a magic number present (i.e., the magic number option is enabled), the received magic number is compared with the magic number in the last Configure-Request sent to the peer. If the two magic numbers are different, the link is not considered looped back. If the two numbers are the same, the PPP handler attempts to bring the link down and up again to renegotiate magic numbers.

Setting this value to Yes enables the magic number option. Setting this value to No disables the option. The default setting is Yes.

Async Control Character Map
Indicates which characters that the peer must "escape" when transmitting packets to the router on asynchronous lines. This allows certain sensitive ASCII control characters, such as XON and XOFF, to be transmitted transparently over the link.

Specify a 32-bit bit mask in hexadecimal. If a bit in position 'N' of the mask is set, the corresponding ASCII character 'N' must be escaped (the LSB is bit number 0, corresponding to the ASCII NUL character).

The default value for this option is '0A0000', indicating that XON and XOFF (control-Q and control-S) need to be escaped. This is for the benefit of modems that use XON/XOFF to perform software handshaking. If this is not an issue, then it is recommended that you change the ACCM to zero (no characters escaped).

LCP is always willing to negotiate the ACCM, even on synchronous lines, and the list lcp command in the PPP monitoring process will display the negotiated value. However, synchronous lines employ a "bit-stuffing" mechanism rather than an "escaping" mechanism, so the ACCM is not normally meaningful on synchronous lines. It may be meaningful if the router is connected to a modem that performs sync-to-async conversion, in which case its value should reflect the requirements of the attached modem on the asynchronous side.

Addr/Cntl Field Compression (ACFC)
Specifies whether the peer can employ address and control field compression.

If the ACFC option is successfully negotiated by LCP, it means that the Address and Control field bytes which start off each packet may be omitted in the datagrams sent back and forth on the link. These bytes are always 0xFF 03, so there is no real information provided by them, and enabling ACFC means that the datagrams that are transmitted will be two bytes shorter.

To be precise, if you enable ACFC, you are indicating a receive-side capability. If you enable ACFC and LCP successfully negotiates it, the other end can employ ACFC in the packets it transmits to the local end (most PPP options work like this). The local end will only transmit packets without the address and control fields if the other end also indicates its ability to handle such packets.

Enabling ACFC does not obligate the other end to send packets without the address and control fields, even if it accepts the option. Enabling ACFC merely tells the peer that it optionally may use ACFC, and the router will be able to handle the incoming packets. If the peer indicates that it can handle ACFC, then the router always performs ACFC on the packets it transmits regardless of whether ACFC is enabled locally.

LCP packets always are sent with address and control fields present. This guarantees that LCP packets will be recognized even if there is a loss of link synchronization.

Protocol Field Compression (PFC)
Specifies whether the peer is to employ protocol field compression.

When you specify "yes", if the PFC option is negotiated successfully by LCP, the leading zero byte may be omitted from the "Protocol" field for those protocol values in the range '0x0000'-'0x00FF', for a one byte savings in the packets being transmitted. This range includes the majority of layer-3 protocol datagrams.

PPP protocol values are all assigned such that the upper byte of the protocol is an even value and the lower byte is an odd value (a limited use of the more generalized mechanism described by the ISO 3309 extension mechanism for address fields). Thus, the receiver can readily detect when the leading byte of a protocol value has been omitted (the first byte of the protocol field is odd rather than even), so there is no ambiguity interpreting frames in the presence of PFC.

PFC, like ACFC, is a receive side capability and the previous description of ACFC applies to PFC.


set lcp parameters
Config tries  [20]?
NAK tries  [10]?
Terminate tries  [10]?
Retry timer (mSec)  [3000]?
Note:The value immediately following the command option prompt is the current setting of that option. It is not always the default value illustrated in this chapter.

Retry timer
Sets the amount of time in milliseconds that elapses before LCP's transmission of configure-request (to open the link) and terminate-request (to close the link) packets is timed out. Expiration of this timer causes a timeout and the halting of configure-request and terminate-request packet transmission. The range is 200 to 30000 milliseconds. The default setting is 3000 milliseconds.

Config tries
Sets the number of times that LCP sends configure-request packets to a peer station to establish the opening of a PPP link. The default value is 20. The range is 1 to 100.

The retry timer starts after the first configure-request packet is transmitted. This is done to guard against packet loss.

NAK tries
Sets the number of times that LCP sends configure-nak (nak = not acknowledged) packets to a peer station while attempting to open a PPP link. The default value is 10. The range is 1 to 100.

LCP sends configure-nak packets upon receiving configure-request packets with some unacceptable configuration options. These packets are sent to refuse the offered configuration options and to suggest modified, acceptable values.

Terminate tries
Sets the number of times that LCP sends terminate-request packets to a peer station to close a PPP link. The default value is 10. The range is 1 to 100.

The retry timer starts after the first terminate-request packet is transmitted. This is done to guard against packet loss.

Sets the name that the router uses when responding to authentication requests from another router.


  1. While the "case" that you use for names and passwords sent to the peer on the link are preserved for this product, interoperability with other vendor products is easier if all names and passwords are entered in lowercase.

  2. Other implementations may not handle names with the same maximum length as supported in this product. The only indication is a message from the authenticator stating that there is a bad name. If you receive this type of message, try shortening the routerid.

  3. This command sets the name of the local router. Use the talk 6 add ppp-user command at the Config> prompt to add each remote user to the local data base, if you want to use the local data base to track the remote users. The alternative is to configure the external AAA authentication server that is described in the chapter "Using Local or Remote Authentication" in Using and Configuring Features .
    Note:The external AAA authentication server cannot be used by MS-CHAP.


set name
PPP 7 Config>set name
Enter Local Name:  [ ]? newyork
Enter password again: 
PPP Local Name = newyork

ncp parameters
Sets the basic operational parameters for most NCPs.
Note:Although you access this command through a particular interface, this command will reset the parameters for all PPP interfaces.


set ncp parameters
Config tries  [20]
NAK tries  [10]?
Terminate tries  [10]?
Retry timer (mSec)  [3000]?

Config tries
Sets the number of configure-request packets sent by NCP to a peer station to attempt to open a PPP link. The range is 1 to 100. The default is 20.

This action indicates the desire to open an NCP connection with a specified set of configuration options. The retry timer starts after a configure-request packet is transmitted. This is done to guard against packet loss.

NAK tries
Sets the number of configure-nak (nak = not acknowledged) packets that NCP sends to a peer station while attempting to open a PPP link. The range is 1 to 100. The default value is 10.

Upon receiving configure-request packets with some unacceptable configuration options, NCP sends configure-nak packets. These packets are sent to refuse the offered configuration options and to suggest modified, acceptable values.

Terminate tries
Sets the number of terminate-request packets sent by NCP to a peer station to close a PPP link. The range is 1 to 100. The default value is 10.

This action indicates the desire to close an NCP connection. The retry timer is started after a terminate-request packet is transmitted. This is done to guard against packet loss.

Retry timer
Sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, that elapses before NCP's transmission of configure-request (to open the link) and terminate-request (to close the link) packets is timed out. Expiration of this timer causes a timeout and the halting of configure-request and terminate-request packet transmission. The range is 200 to 30000 milliseconds. The default is 3000 milliseconds.

Accessing the Interface Monitoring Process

To access the PPP interface monitoring process, do the following:

  1. Enter interface at the + prompt to display a list of configured interfaces.

  2. Enter network followed by the number of the PPP interface.
         + network 2

Point-to-Point Monitoring Commands

This section summarizes and then explains the Point-to-Point monitoring commands. Enter the commands at the PPP> prompt. Table 49 shows the commands.
Note:The options available for these commands depend on what protocols are available in the router software. For example, when the router software (image) does not contain APPN support, the list isrcp, list isr, list hprcp, list hpr, and llc commands are not available.

Table 49. Point-to-Point Monitoring Command Summary
Command Function
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 Clear   Clears all statistics from point-to-point interfaces. 
 List   Displays information and counters related to the point-to-point interface and PPP parameters and options. 
 LLC   Displays the LLC monitoring prompt. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".


Use the clear command to clear all statistics from point-to-point interfaces.




Use the list command to display information and counters related to the point-to-point interface and PPP parameters and options.



cbcp - callback cp




lcp - PPP link CP

pap - PAP Authentication CP

chap - CHAP Authentication CP

mschap - MS-CHAP Authentication CP

ecp - Encryption Control Protocol

edp- Encrypted packet statistics

mppe - Microsoft PPP Encryption (MPPE)

spap - SPAP Authentication CP

ccp - PPP Compression CP

cdp - PPP compression

compression - PPP compression

bcp - Bridging (ASRT) CP

brg - Bridging (ASRT)

stp - Spanning Tree Protocol

nbcp - NetBios

nbfcp - NetBios Frame

ipcp - Internet Protocol CP

ip - Internet Protocol

ipv6cp - Internet Protocol version 6 CP

ipv6 - Internet Protocol version 6

ipxcp - Novell IPX CP

ipx - Novell IPX

atcp - AppleTalk (Phase 2) CP

ap2 - AppleTalk (Phase 2)

dncp - DECnet IV CP

dn - DECnet IV

osicp - ISO's OSI CP

osi - ISO's OSI

bvcp - Banyan VINES CP

vines - Banyan VINES

isrcp - APPN ISR CP

isr - APPN ISR

hprcp - APPN HPR CP

hpr - APPN HPR

Lists all information and counters related to the point-to-point interface and PPP options and parameters. The output displayed for this command is a combination of the displays from all of the individual list item commands.
Note:If a network control protocol is not available on an interface, a message is displayed indicating that no protocol or statistics information is available for that network control protocol's list commands.

Lists statistics for the Callback Control protocol.

Example: list cbcp

CBCP Statistics           In           Out
---------------           ---          -----
Packets:                   0            0
Octets:                    0            0
Callback attempts:         0
Successful callbacks:      0 

Indicates the total number of CBCP packets transmitted (out) and received (in) over the current point-to-point interface.

For CBCP frames, indicates the total number of bytes in Octets transmitted and received over the current point-to-point interface.

Callback attempts
The number of CBCP callbacks attempted, including those in progress.

Successful callbacks
The number of successful callbacks completed.

Lists negotiated options or other state information for a control protocol.

Examples of the List Control CCP Command

Example for STAC-LZC:

            list control ccp
            CCP State:                 Open
            Previous State:            Ack Sent
            Time Since Change:         264 hours, 56 minutes and 58 seconds
            Compressor:   STAC-LZS histories 1, check_mode SEQ
            Decompressor: STAC-LZS histories 1, check_mode SEQ
            MPPE : Negotiated 40 bit stateful 

Example for MPPC:

            list control ccp
            CCP State        :         Open
            Previous State   :         Listen
            Time Since Change:         167 minutes
            Compressor :   none
            Decompressor : none
            MPPE : Negotiated 40 bit stateful          
Definitions of Terms in the List Control CCP Example

CCP state
The current state of the point-to-point link. If "Open", then compression was successfully negotiated on this link. If not open, compression is not running on the link. It will also show as "Open" if MPPE has been successfully negotiated.

Previous State
State of the point-to-point link before the state displayed in the current state field.

Shows which compressor was negotiated and the options it is using.

Shows which decompressor was negotiated and the options it is using.

MPPE options negotiated. See the talk 6 enable mppe command for descriptions of these parameters and Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption (MPPE) in the chapter "Using and Configuring Encryption Protocols" in Using and Configuring Features for more information.

Example of the List Control ECP Command


PPP x>list control ecp
ECP State:                 Open
Previous State:            Ack Sent
Time Since Change:         16 minutes and 40 seconds
Local (transmit) encrypter: DES
Remote (receive) encrypter: DES
Definitions of Terms in the List Control ECP Example

ECP State:
The current state of the point-to-point link. If "Open" then encryption was successfully negotiated on this link. If not "Open", encryption is not running on the link.
Note:Encryption support is optional and must be added to your software load using the load add command. See Load.

Previous State:
The state of the point-to-point link before the state displayed in the current state field.

Time Since Change:
The elapsed time between the above two state changes.

Local (transmit) encrypter:
This encryption algorithm is used for encrypting the data being sent on this PPP interface.

Remote (receive) encrypter:
The encryption algorithm is used for decrypting the received data on this interface.
Example of the List Control LCP Command


list control lcp
Version:                   1
            Link phase:                Establishing connection (LCP)
            LCP State:                 Listen
            Previous State:            Req Sent
            Time Since Change:         1 minute and 57 seconds
            Remote Username:           - No Authentication -
            Last Identification Rx'd
            Time Connected:            - No Connection -
            LCP Option                 Local                      Remote
            ----------                 -----                      ------
            Max Receive Unit:          2048                       1500
            Async Char Mask:           FFFFFFFF                   FFFFFFFF
            Authentication:            None                       None
            Magic Number:              7A8CBFD7                   None
            Protocol Field Comp:       No                         No
            Addr/Cntl Field Comp:      No                         No
            32-Bit Checksum:           No                         No
Definitions of Terms in the List Control LCP Example

Displays the current version of the Point-to-Point Protocol.

Link phase
Displays the current activity on the link. This can have one of the following values:

There is no activity on the link; the interface is down.

The link is in LCP negotiation. This state occurs when first bringing up an interface. The interface may be in self-test at this time.

The link is performing initial authentication.

The link is negotiating an ECP encryption algorithm.
Note:Encryption support is optional and must be added to your software load using the load add command. See the CONFIG process load command in Access Integration Services Software User's Guide.

The use of multiple encryption (using encryption at both the IP Security Layer and at the Frame Relay or PPP data-Link Layer) within the router is restricted by U.S.A. Government export regulations. It is only supported in software loads that are under strict export control (software loads that support RC4 with 128 bit keys and Triple DES).

Link is operating normally. NCPs can negotiate and data traffic associated with can flow after successful NCP negotiation.

The link is being shut down.

LCP State
Displays the current state of the point-to-point link. These states include the following:

OPEN - Indicates that a connection has been made and data can be sent. The retry timer does not run in this state.

CLOSED - Indicates that the link is down and no attempt is being made to open it. In this state, all connection requests from peers are rejected.

LISTEN - Indicates that the link is down and no attempt is being made to open it. In contrast to the CLOSED state, however, all connection requests from peers are accepted.

REQUEST-SENT - Indicates that an active attempt is being made to open the link. A Configure-request packet has been sent but a Configure-Ack has not yet been received nor has one been sent. The retry timer is running at this time.

ACK-RECEIVED - Indicates that a Configure-request packet has been sent and a Configure-Ack packet has been received. The retry timer is still running since a Configure-Ack packet has not been transmitted.

ACK-SENT - Indicates that a Configure-Ack packet and a Configure-request packet have been sent but a Configure-Ack packet has not been received. The retry timer always runs in this state.

CLOSING - Indicates that an attempt is being made to close the connection. A Terminate-request packet has been sent but a Terminate-Ack packet has not been received. The retry timer is running in this state.

Previous State
Displays the state of the point-to-point link prior to the state displayed in the Current state field. These states are the same as those described in the Current state field.

Time since change
Displays the amount of time that has elapsed since the last link state change.

Remote Username
When authentication is required on the link, this field shows the name that the peer supplied.

Last Identification Rx'd
An optional packet type that is defined for LCP is an "Identification" packet. The contents of this packet are undefined but are normally expected to be a human-readable string provided by the peer to give some identifying information such as a name, manufacturer, model number, or other information the manufacturer wishes to provide. If the router receives such a packet, the contents of the last such packet received are displayed here.

Time Connected
Indicates how long the peer has been connected on this link.

LCP Option
These fields indicate the values of options that have been negotiated with the peer when LCP is in the Open state. When LCP is not open, these values represent initial defaults or configured values that will be used in subsequent LCP negotiations.

Max Receive Unit
Indicates the maximum length for the packet size that the local and remote ends can transmit. This is the maximum length of the payload portion of a PPP packet and it does not include PPP header and trailer bytes.

When LCP is in an Open state, the values indicate the lengths that have been negotiated with the peer. The router does not support differing MRU lengths for the peer and local end, so these values will be the same.

Async Character Mask
This indicates the asynchronous control character mask that has been negotiated. The router accepts ACCM negotiation even on synchronous lines, although this does not affect the actual packet data sent. See the set lcp options command on page *** for more information about the ACCM.

Indicates which authentication protocol, if any, each end of the link requires. Multiple protocols may be available at each end; this value indicates which protocol the units agreed to use.

Magic number
Displays the current magic number being used for both the local and remote ends of the link for loopback detection.

Protocol compression
Indicates whether PFC has been negotiated.

Address/Control compression
Indicates whether ACFC has been negotiated.

32-bit checksum
Not currently supported. PPP will reject this option if it is received.
Example of the List Control BCP Command


            list control bcp
            BCP State:            Closed
            Previous State:        Closed
            Time Since Change:     5 hours, 25 minutes and 3 seconds
            BCP Option             Local                    Remote
            Tinygram Compression   DISABLED                 DISABLED
            Source-route Info:
            Remote side does not support source-route bridging
Definitions of Terms in the List Control BCP Example

The BCP State fields are the same as those described under the list control lcp command.

Tinygram Compression
Displays whether or not Tinygram Compression is enabled or disabled on the local and remote ends of the link.

Source-route Info
Displays whether or not source route bridging is enabled for the local and remote ports that correspond to this interface.
Example of the List Control NBCP CommandDefinitions of Terms in the List Control NBCP ExampleExample of the List Control NBFCP Command


list control nbfcp
NBFCP State:               Closed
Previous State:            Closed
Time Since Change:         4 hours, 5 minutes and 58 seconds
NetBIOS Frame Control Protocol Info:
Local  MAC Address = 0x000000000000
Remote MAC Address = 0x444553540000
Remote NetBIOS Names: (0)
Remote Peer Class:         0
Remote Peer Version Major: 0
Remote Peer Version Minor: 0
Definitions of Terms in the List Control NBFCP Example

The NBFCP State fields are the same as those described under the list control lcp command.

Local MAC Address
The Local MAC Address is the MAC Address that is used by the Win 95/NT Dial-Up Networking client. It is a pseudo-random number, or a Locally Administered Address (LAA), if you configured an LAA in the client.

Remote MAC Address
The Remote MAC Address is the MAC Address that the 2212 DIALs Server has assigned to this client for use on the LAN.

Remote NetBIOS Name
The list of NetBIOS names of LAN resources to which the client has requested access.

Remote Peer
The Remote Peer Class, Version Major, and Version Minor is the information passed back to the 2212 by the NBFCP Peer Information option.
Example of the List Control IPCP Command


list control ipcp
IPCP State:                Listen
Previous State:            Closed
Time Since Change:         1 hour, 57 minutes and 52 seconds
IPCP Option                Local               Remote
-----------                -----               ------
IP Address          
Compression Slots          None                None
DNS servers obtained from remote:
  Primary DNS:
  Secondary DNS:
DHCP State:                BOUND
Lease Server:    
Leased IP Address:
Lease Time:                4 minutes and 0 seconds
Renewal Time:              2 minutes and 0 seconds
Rebind Time:               3 minutes and 30 seconds
Lease Time Elapsed:        1 second
Lease Time Remaining:      3 minutes and 59 seconds
DHCP Client ID:            0100120B0000
Definitions of Terms in the List Control IPCP Example

The IPCP state fields are the same as those described under the list control lcp command.

IP Address:
Indicates this interface's configured or negotiated IP address (Local) and the negotiated address of the remote (Remote), if any.

Compression Slots
Indicates the number of IP headers saved for referential purposes when determining the type of compression that is enabled.

DNS servers obtained from remote
Indicates the IP addresses of the Domain Name Servers (DNS) provided by the remote side.

DHCP State
This is the Proxy DHCP as described in RFC 1541.

Lease Server
The server from which the lease was acquired.

Leased IP address
The address leased to the client. This address should be equivalent to the "Remote IP Address" listed above.

Lease Time
Length of lease from the DHCP server for this address. When "Lease Time Elapsed" equals this time, the lease will be expire and the IPCP connection closed.

Renewal Time
Time after which Proxy DHCP attempts to extend this lease from the server. When "Lease Elapsed Time" equals this time, Proxy DHCP attempts to renew the lease, resetting the "Lease Time," "Lease Elapsed Time," and "Lease Time Remaining," if successful.

Rebind Time
Time before Proxy DHCP attempts to obtain a new lease from any configured DHCP server. When "Lease Elapsed Time" equals this time, Proxy DHCP attempts to obtain a new lease, resetting the "Lease Time," "Lease Elapsed Time," and "Lease Time Remaining," if successful.

Leased Time Elapsed
Time elapsed for this lease. This is not necessarily the time for this particular dial-in session, as the lease may have been renewed. When the lease is renewed, this timer is set back to 0.

Leased Time Remaining
Time remaining for this lease. This parameter is equal to "Lease Time" minus "Lease Time Elapsed."

DHCP client ID
A unique ID for this client (dial-in user). All DHCP messages are identified to and from the DHCP server by this client ID.
Example of the List Control IPXCP Command


            list control ipxcp
            IPXCP State:           Closed
            Previous State:        Closed
            Time Since Change:     2 hours, 9 minutes and 9 seconds

The IPXCP state fields are the same as those described under the list control lcp command.Example of the List Control ATCP Command


            list control atcp
            ATCP State:            Closed
            Previous State:        Closed
            Time Since Change:     6 hours, 27 minutes and 7 seconds
            AppleTalk Address Info:
            Common network number = 12
            Local node ID = 49
            Remote node ID = 76
Definitions of Terms in the List Control ATCP Example

The ATCP State fields are the same as those described under the list control lcp command.

Common Network Number
Network number of the two ends of the point-to-point link. (You must statically configure both ends of the link to have the same network number.)

Local Node ID
Unique node number of the local end of the link.

Remote Node ID
Unique node number of the remote end of the link.


            list control dncp
            DNCP State:                Closed
            Previous State:            Closed
            Time Since Change:         2 hours, 2 minutes and 58 seconds

The DNCP state fields are the same as those described under the list control lcp command.


            list control osicp
            OSICP State:          Closed
            Previous State:       Closed
            Time Since Change:    6 hours, 28 minutes and 32 seconds

The OSICP State fields are the same as those described under the list control lcp command.Example of the List Control BVPC Command


            list control bvcp
            BVCP State:                Open
            Previous State:            Ack Sent
            Time Since Change:         403 hours, 49 minutes and 2 seconds

The BVCP State fields are the same as those described under the list control lcp command.
Note:The command word bvcp and the acronym BVCP stand for the Banyan VINES Control Protocol (BVCP).
Example of the List Control ISRCP Command


            list control isrcp
            APPN ISRCP State:          Open
            Previous State:            Ack Rcvd
            Time Since Change:         1 hour, 48 minutes and 5 seconds

The APPN ISR control protocol (ISRCP) state fields are the same as those described under the list control lcp command.Example of the List Control HPRCP Command


            list control hprcp
            APPN HPRCP State:          Open
            Previous State:            Ack Rcvd
            Time Since Change:         1 hour, 48 minutes and 10 seconds

The APPN HPR control protocol (HPRCP) state fields are the same as those described under the list control lcp command

Lists information related to all error conditions tracked by the PPP software.


            list error
            Error Type                 Count           Last One
            ----------                 -----           --------
            Bad Address:                  0                0
            Bad Control:                  0                0
            Unknown Protocol:             0                0
            Invalid Protocol:             0                0
            Config Timeouts:              0                0
            Terminate Timeouts:           0                0

Bad address
Indicates the total number of bad addresses encountered over the point-to-point link. "Bad addresses" refers to the HDLC framing byte at the start of the packet.

Bad control
Indicates the total number of bad control packets encountered over the point-to-point link. "Bad control" refers to the 0x03 prefix on HDLC encapsulated PPP packets ("UI" value that follows the 0xFF).

Unknown protocol
Indicates the total number of unknown protocol packets encountered by the current link.

Invalid protocol
Indicates the total number of invalid protocol packets encountered by the current link.

Config timeouts
Indicates the total number of configuration timeouts experienced by the link.

Terminate timeouts
Indicates the total number of link termination timeouts experienced by the link.

Lists PPP interface statistics.


            list interface
            Interface Statistic          In               Out
            ------------------           --               ---
            Packets:                      0                0
            Octets:                       0                0

Indicates the number of packets received and transmitted on this interface.

Indicates the number of octets received and transmitted on this interface.

Lists statistics for the Link Control Protocol.


            list lcp
            LCP STATISTIC        IN       OUT
            -------------        --       ---
            PACKETS:             42       42
            OCTETS:              1260     1260
            CFG REQ:             0        0
            CFG ACK:             0        0
            CFG NAK:             0        0
            CFG REJ:             0        0
            TERM REQ             0        0
            TERM ACK             0        0
            ECHO REQ:            21       21
            ECHO RESP:           21       21
            DISC REQ:            0        0
            CODE REJ:            0        0

Indicates the total number of LCP packets transmitted (out) and received (in) over the current point-to-point interface.

For LCP frames, indicates the total number of bytes in octets transmitted and received over the current point-to-point interface.

Indicates the total number of configure-request LCP packets transmitted and received over the current point-to-point interface.

Indicates the total number of configure-ack (acknowledged) LCP packets transmitted and received over the current point-to-point interface.

Indicates the total number of configure-nak (not acknowledged) LCP packets transmitted and received over the current point-to-point interface.

Indicates the total number of configure-reject LCP packets transmitted and received over the current point-to-point interface.

Total number of terminal request LCP packets transmitted and received over the current point-to-point interface.

Total number of terminal ack LCP packets transmitted and received over the current point-to-point interface.

Indicates the total number of echo-request LCP packets transmitted and received over the current point-to-point interface.

Indicates the total number of echo-response LCP packets transmitted and received over the current point-to-point interface.

Indicates the total number of discard-request LCP packets transmitted and received over the current point-to-point interface.

Indicates the total number of code-reject LCP packets transmitted and received over the current point-to-point interface.

Lists statistics for the Password Authentication Protocol.


            list pap
            PAP Statistics             In                         Out
            --------------             --                         ---
            Packets:                   0                          0
            Octets:                    0                          0
            Requests:                  0                          0
            Acks:                      0                          0
            Naks:                      0                          0

The total number of PAP packets sent or received.

The number of bytes of data that were sent or received in those packets.

The number of PAP "Request" packets sent or received. These are the packets which contain the PAP name/password pairs.

The number of Acks (success replies) sent or received for the PAP requests (for example, if the peer sends a valid Request packet, the router replies with an Ack).

The number of Naks sent or received for the PAP requests (for example, if the peer sends an invalid Request packet, the router replies with a Nak).

Lists statistics for the Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol.


            list chap
            CHAP Statistics            In                         Out
            ---------------            --                         ---
            Packets:                   0                          0
            Octets:                    0                          0
            Challenges:                0                          0
            Responses:                 0                          0
            Successes:                 0                          0
            Failures:                  0                          0

The total number of CHAP packets sent or received.

The number of bytes of data that were sent or received in the packets.

The number of CHAP "Challenge" packets sent or received. A CHAP Challenge packet includes a randomly generated encryption key and is a demand on the peer to generate a suitable response based on that key and on stored password information.

The number of CHAP "Response" packets sent or received. A Response packet contains a peer's answer to a "Challenge" request.

The number of Success or Failure packets sent or received. A unit sends out a Challenge packet and waits for the peer's Response reply. It then examines the Response packet and sends a Success or Failure packet to indicate whether the Response was valid.

These counters reflect the number of Success or Failure packets sent. A peer gets several tries to respond successfully before authentication is considered to have failed.

Lists MS-CHAP statistics for each direction.

Total number of MS-CHAP packets.

Total number of bytes contained in MS-CHAP packets.

Number of MS-CHAP challenge packets.

Number of MS-CHAP response packets.

Number of MS-CHAP success packets.

Number of MS-CHAP failure packets.

Failure: Restricted Hours
Number of failure packets sent due to the PPP user's attempt to access the 2212 outside of that user's permitted hours. This counter is not supported and will always be 0.

Failure: Account Disabled
Number of failure packets sent because the PPP user's ID has been disabled at the 2212.

Failure: Password Expired
Number of failure packets sent because the PPP user's password has expired.

Failure: No Dialin Permission
Number of failure packets sent because the PPP user is not authorized to dial in to this 2212.

Failure: Authentication
Number of failure packets sent because the PPP user's credentials (ID or password) are not known to the 2212.

Failure: Change Password
Number of failure packets sent as a result of error encountered while processing the Change Password packet.

Change Password
Number of change password packets. The router will never send a change password packet; therefore, the outbound counter will always be 0.

Lists statistics for ECP (encryption control protocol) packets sent or received on the interface.


PPP x>list ecp
ECP Statistic              In                         Out
-------------              --                         ---
Packets:                   2                          2
Octets:                    26                         26
Reset Reqs:                0                          0
Reset Acks:                0                          0
Prot Rejects:              0                          -
Local (transmit) encrypter: DES
Remote (receive) encrypter: DES                          
Note:Encryption support is optional and must be added to your software load using the load add command. See Load.

Indicates the total number of ECP packets transmitted (out) and received (in) over the current point-to-point interface.

Indicates the total number of bytes transmitted and received in the ECP packets.

Reset Reqs
Indicates the number of Reset requests transmitted and received on this interface. A Reset Request will be sent whenever ECP discard an EDP packet.
Note:Because DES, the only supported encryption algorithm, does not send reset requests this number will be zero.

Reset Acks
Indicates the reset acknowledgments transmitted and received on this interface. A Reset Ack packet will be sent for every Reset Request packet received.
Note:Because DES, the only supported encryption algorithm, does not send any Reset Requests this number will be zero.

Prot Rejects
Indicates the total number of protocol reject packets transmitted and received over the current point-to-point interface.

Local (transmit) encrypter
This encryption algorithm will be used to encrypt the data being sent on this point-to-point interface.

Remote (receive) encrypter
This encryption algorithm will be used to decrypt the received data on this point-to-point interface.

Lists statistics associated with the ECP-encrypted packets being sent or received on the interface.


PPP x>list edp
Encryption Statistic       In                         Out
---------------------      --                         ---
Packets:                   20                         30
Octets:                    29164                      44790
Encrypted Octets:          29280                      44880
Discarded Packets:         0                          0
Prot Rejects:              0                          -
Note:Encryption support is optional and must be added to your software load using the load add command. See Load.

Indicates the total number of IP packets transmitted (out) and received (in) over the current point-to-point interface.

Indicates the total number of octets of data bytes transmitted and received over the current IP connection.

Encrypted Octets
Indicates the number of encrypted octets transmitted or received on this interface.

Discarded Packets
Indicates the number of packets that were discarded because they could not be successfully decrypted.

Prot Rejects
Indicates the total number of protocol reject packets transmitted and received over the current point-to-point interface.

Displays encryption data statistics for Microsoft PPP Encryption (MPPE) configuration.


            list mppe
            MPPE Statistic           In                    Out
            --------------           --                    ---
            Encrypted Octets :       0                     0
            Encrypted Packets :      0                     0
            Discarded Packets :      0                     0

Lists statistics for the Shiva Password Authentication Protocol.


list spap
SPAP Statistic             In                         Out
-------------              --                         ---
Packets:                   0                          0
Octets:                    0                          0
Requests:                  0                          0
Acks:                      0                          0
Naks:                      0                          0
Dialbacks:                 0                          0
PleaseAuthenticates:       0                          0
Change Passwords:          0                          0
Alerts:                    0                          0
MCCP Call Reqs             0                          0
MCCP Callbacks             0                          0
MCCP ACKs                  0                          0
MCCP NAKs                  0                          0   

The total number of SPAP packets sent or received.

The number of bytes of data that were sent or received in those packets.

The number of SPAP "Request" packets sent or received. These are the packets which contain the SPAP name/password pairs.

The number of Acks (success replies) sent or received for the SPAP requests (for example, if the peer sends a valid Request packet, the router replies with an Ack).

The number of Naks sent or received for the SPAP requests (for example, if the peer sends an invalid Request packet, the router replies with a Nak).

The number of times a user:
  • Requested a callback (roaming callback) and it was granted.
  • Dialed-in and they were configured for required callback and dialed back at the predetermined number stored in the user profile.

The number of SPAP please authenticate packets that have been sent or received on this interface. An SPAP please authenticate packet is sent as the result of a timeout when waiting for the other end to send an SPAP authenticate request.

Change Passwords
The number of change password requests that sent or received on this interface.

The number of SPAP banners that have been sent or received.

MCCP Call Reqs
Indicates that the sender requested another phone number to dial a second MP link.

MCCP Callbacks
Indicates that the sender supplied a phone number on which to be called back to establish a second MP link.

The number of acknowledgments sent or received by MCCP.

The number of negative acknowledgments sent or received by MCCP.

Lists statistics for compression control protocol.


             list ccp
             CCP   Statistic            In                         Out
             ---------------            --                         ---
             Packets:                   24                         25
             Octets:                    174                        177
             Reset Reqs                 0                          0
             Reset Acks:                0                          0
             Prot Rejects:              0                          0

Indicates the number of packets received and transmitted on this interface.

Indicates the number of octets received and transmitted on this interface.

Reset Reqs
The number of CCP dictionary "Reset Requests" that were transmitted or received.

Reset Acks
The number of CCP dictionary "Reset Acknowledgments" that were transmitted or received.

Reset Request and Reset Acknowledgment packets are control packets passed between the CCP entities at each end, used to maintain synchronization of the data dictionaries at each end of the link.

Prot Rejects
Indicates the number of protocol rejects of CCP packets sent by the peer (reception of a protocol reject would signify that the peer does not support CCP).

Displays statistics associated with compressed data packets sent or received on this interface.


list cdp
Compression Statistic      In                         Out
---------------------      --                         ---
Packets:                   31035                      46550
Octets:                    1614885                    2421137
Compressed Octets:         931416                     1521039
Incompressible Packets:    0                          0
Discarded Packets:         0                          0
Prot Rejects:              0                          -
Compression Ratios         1.70                       1.70

These counters indicate the number of compressed datagrams sent and received. On the output side, the count includes only those packets that were actually sent as PPP compressed datagrams; it does not include packets that were found to be incompressible and sent in their original uncompressed form.

These counters count the packets sent or received that had the PPP protocol type of X'00FD' (CDP). When STAC extended mode or MPPC has been negotiated, incompressible packets may be encapsulated in CDP datagrams. This encapsulation would include the incompressible packets in these counts.

These counters indicate the number of bytes effectively transmitted or received in compressed form. These counts reflect the lengths of the original datagrams before compression or after decompression.

Compressed octets
These counters indicate the number of bytes for all of the compressed datagrams sent and received. These counts are the lengths of the actual CDP packets after compression or before decompression.

Incompressible packets
These counters indicate the number of packets that were incompressible and therefore sent in original uncompressed form.

Discarded packets
These counters indicate how many packets were discarded because they could not be successfully decompressed. Typically these packets will be packets that the peer was transmitting just after the router has sent a Reset-Request, but before the peer has received and processed the Reset-Request. Packets are also dropped if the router detects that data in the packets is incorrect. An example of incorrect data is a packet that contains a bad sequence number.

If the number of discarded packets increases too rapidly, then packets are being lost or corrupted on the line, probably due to noise on the line, and the link performance may be degraded.

Protocol rejects
This counter indicates the number of Protocol-Rejects of CDP packets that have been received from a peer. This count should be zero, because the link will not send CDP packets if the use of compression has not already been negotiated.

Compression ratios
The ratios give an approximate indication of the effectiveness of the compressor and decompressor. These ratios are based on the number of plain-text bytes divided by the number of corresponding compressed bytes, so values greater than 1 are preferable for both input and output. The higher the number, the more effective the compression.

The output ratio is computed as the ratio of the number of original plain-text bytes divided by the number of bytes sent as a result of attempting compression - whether the packet actually was compressed or sent as a CDP packet. If a data stream does not compress well and most of the packets are sent in their original form or in enlarged CDP packets, the compression output ratio will drop. If the ratio drops below 1.0, the compressor is actually reducing the effective bandwidth of the line rather than increasing it, and should be disabled on that interface if the state persists for a long time.

The input ratio is computed based on the number of bytes received in CDP frames divided into the number of decompressed bytes. Unlike the output ratio, this count does not include any packets that were incompressible and sent in plain-text form. This is because the router cannot determine if a received non-CDP packet was an incompressible packet that the peer sent in plain-text form, or just a packet that the peer did not attempt to compress.

Because of the method of calculation, the output ratio on one end of the link does not necessarily match the input ratio at the other end.

This command displays the same information as list cdp.

Lists statistics for the Bridging control protocol. These fields are the same as those described under the list ip command. (See ip.)


            list bcp
            BCP Statistic            In                    Out
            --------------           --                    ---
            Packets:                 0                     0
            Octets:                  0                     0
            Prot Rejects:            0                     -

Lists statistics on the bridge packets received and transmitted over the PPP interface. These fields are the same as those described under the list ip command. (See ip.)


            list brg
            BRG Statistic            In                    Out
            --------------           --                    ---
            Packets:                 0                     0
            Octets:                  0                     0
            Prot Rejects:            0                     -

Lists statistics for the spanning tree protocol. These fields are the same as those described under the list ip command. (See ip.)


            list stp
            Spanning Tree Statistic        In              Out
            -----------------------        --              ---
            Packets:                       0               0
            Octets:                        0               0

Lists NetBIOS Control Protocol statistics for the point-to-point interface. These fields are the same as those described under the list ip command. (See ip.)


list nbcp
NBCP Statistic             In                         Out
---------------            --                         ---
Packets:                   0                          0
Octets:                    0                          0
Prot Rejects:              0                          -

Lists NetBIOS Frame Control Protocol statistics for the point-to-point interface. These fields are the same as those described under the list ip command. (See ip.)


list nbfcp
NBFCP Statistic            In                         Out
---------------            --                         ---
Packets:                   0                          0
Octets:                    0                          0
Prot Rejects:              0                          -

Lists Internet Protocol Control Protocol statistics for the point-to-point interface. These fields are the same as those described under the list ip command. (See ip.)


            list ipcp
            IPCP STATISTIC       IN         OUT
            --------------       --         ---
            PACKETS:             0           0
            OCTETS:              0           0
            PROT REJECTS:        0

Lists all information related to IP packets over the point-to-point link.


            list ip
            IP Statistic         In         Out
            ------------         --         ---
            Packets:             349        351
            Octets:              128488     129412
            Prot Rejects:        0          -

Indicates the total number of IP packets transmitted (out) and received (in) over the current point-to-point interface.

Indicates the total number of octets transmitted and received over the current IP connection.

Prot Rejects
Indicates the total number of protocol reject packets transmitted and received over the current point-to-point interface.

Lists Internet Protocol version 6 Control Protocol statistics for the point-to-point interface. These fields are the same as those described under the list ip command. (See ip.)


            list ipv6cp
            IPv6CP STATISTIC       IN         OUT
            --------------         --         ---
            PACKETS:               0           0
            OCTETS:                0           0
            PROT REJECTS:          0

Lists all information related to IPv6 packets over the point-to-point link. These fields are the same as those described under the list ip command. (See ip.)


            list ipv6
            IPv6 Statistic       In         Out
            --------------       --         ---
            Packets:             0           0
            Octets:              0           0
            Prot Rejects:        0

Lists statistics for the IPX control protocol. These fields are the same as those described under the list ip command. (See ip.)


            list ipxcp
            IPXCP Statistic           In                 Out
            --------------           --                  ---
            Packets:                 0                   0
            Octets:                  0                   0
            Prot Rejects:            0                   -

Lists IPX statistics for the point-to-point interface. These fields are the same as those described under the list ip command. (See ip.)


            list ipx
            IPX Statistic           In        Out
            ------------            --         ---
            Packets:                0          0
            Octets:                 0          0
            Prot Rejects:           0          -

Lists statistics for the AppleTalk control protocol. These fields are the same as those described under the list ip command. (See ip.)


            list atcp
            ATCP Statistic           In                      Out
            ---------------          --                      ---
            Packets:                 0                       0
            Octets:                  0                       0
            Prot Rejects:            0                       -

Lists AppleTalk Phase 2 statistics for the point-to-point interface. These fields are the same as those described under the list ip command. (See ip.)


            list ap2
            AP2 Statistic        In         Out
            ------------         --         ---
            Packets:             349        351
            Octets:              128488     129412
            Prot Rejects:        0

Lists statistics on the DECnet control protocol packets. These fields are the same as those described under the list ip command. (See ip.)


            list dncp
            DNCP Statistic           In                  Out
            --------------           --                  ---
            Packets:                 0                   0
            Octets:                  0                   0
            Prot Rejects:            0                   -

Lists statistics on the DECnet packets received and transmitted over the PPP interface. These fields are the same as those described under the list ip command. (See ip.)


            list dn
            DN Statistic           In         Out
            ------------           --         ---
            Packets:               0          0
            Octets:                0          0
            Prot Rejects:          0          -

Lists statistics for the OSI control protocol. These fields are the same as those described under the list ip command. (See ip.)


            list osicp
            OSICP Statistic           In                      Out
            ---------------           --                      ---
            Packets:                  0                       0
            Octets:                   0                       0
            Prot Rejects:             0                       -

Lists statistics on the OSI packets received and transmitted over the PPP interface. These fields are the same as those described under the list ip command. (See ip.)


            list osi
            OSI Statistic           In              Out
            -------------           --              ---
            Packets:                0               0
            Octets:                 0               0
            Prot Rejects:           0               -

Lists statistics on the Banyan VINES control protocol. These fields are the same as those described under the list ip command. (See ip.)


            list bvcp
            BVCP Statistic            In                    Out
            --------------            --                    ---
            Packets:                  0                     0
            Octets:                   0                     0
            Prot Rejects:             0                     -

Lists statistics for the Banyan VINES packets received and transmitted over the PPP interface. These fields are the same as those described under the list ip command. (See ip.)


            list vines
            Vines Statistic            In                         Out
            ---------------            --                         ---
            Packets:                   10                         13
            Octets:                    320                        340
            Prot Rejects:              0                          -

Lists statistics for APPN ISR Control Protocol packets. These fields are the same as those described under the list ip command. (See ip.)


            list isrcp
            APPN ISRCP Statistic       In                         Out
            ---------------            --                         ---
            Packets:                   3                          3
            Octets:                    12                         12
            Prot Rejects:              0                          -

Lists statistics on the APPN ISR packets received and transmitted over the PPP interface. These fields are the same as those described under the list ip command. (See ip.)


            list isr
            APPN ISR Statistic         In                         Out
            -------------              --                         ---
            Packets:                   220                        219
            Octets:                    1266                       1157
            Prot Rejects:              0                          -

Lists statistics for APPN HPR Control Protocol packets. These fields are the same as those described under the list ip command. (Seeip.)


            list hprcp
            APPN HPRCP Statistic       In                         Out
            ---------------            --                         ---
            Packets:                   3                          3
            Octets:                    12                         12
            Prot Rejects:              0                          -

Lists statistics on the APPN HPR packets received and transmitted over the PPP interface. These fields are the same as those described under the list ip command. (See ip.)


            list hpr
            APPN HPR Statistic          In                         Out
            -------------              --                         ---
            Packets:                   780                        715
            Octets:                    131907                     69685
            Prot Rejects:              0                          -


Use the LLC command to access the LLC monitoring prompt. LLC commands are entered at this new prompt. See "LLC Monitoring Commands" for an explanation of each of these commands.
Note:This command is available only when APPN is included in the software load.



Point-to-Point Protocol Interfaces and the GWCON Interface Command

The PPP interface traffic is carried by an underlying data-link level device driver. Additional statistics that can be useful when monitoring PPP links may be obtained from the device driver statistics which are displayed using the interface command from the GWCON environment. (For more information on the interface command, refer to "The Operating/Monitoring Process (GWCON - Talk 5) and Commands".)

The statistics in this section are displayed when you run the interface command from the GWCON environment (talk 5) for the following interfaces used in point-to-point configurations:


+int 0
                                             Self-Test  Self-Test Maintenance
Net   Net'   Interface                          Passed     Failed      Failed
0     0      PPP/0                                   2          0        
  Point to Point MAC/data-link on SCC Serial Line interface
  Adapter cable:               V.35 DCE  RISC Microcode Revision:        
   V.24 circuit: 105 106 107 108 109
   Nicknames:    RTS CTS DSR DTR DCD
   PUB 41450:    CA  CB  CC  CD  CF
   State:        ON  ON  ON  ON  ON 
  Line speed:              2.048 Mbps
  Last port reset:         5 hours, 27 minutes, 4 seconds ago
  Input frame errors:
   CRC error                          0   alignment (byte length)        
   missed frame                       0   too long (>  2055 bytes)       
   aborted frame                      0   DMA/FIFO overrun               
  Output frame counters:
   DMA/FIFO underrun errors           0   Output aborts sent             

Interface number as assigned by software during initial configuration.

Base interface number as assigned by software during initial configuration.
Note:For dial circuit interfaces, Net' is different from Net. For dial circuit interfaces, Net' indicates the base interface (ISDN or V.25bis) that the dial circuit uses.

Interface No
Type of interface and its instance number. The Point-to-Point interface type is PPP.

The slot number of the interface over which PPP is running.

The port number of the interface that is running PPP.

Self-Test: Passed
Total number of times the point-to-point interface passed its self-test.

Self-Test: Failed
Total number of times the point-to-point interface failed its self-test.

Maintenance: Failed
Total number of maintenance failures.

Adapter cable
Type of adapter cable that has been configured; for example, V.35 DTE.

V.24 circuit
Circuits being used on the V.24. Note: The symbol - - - in monitoring output indicates that the value or state is unknown.

Control signals Note: The symbol - - - in monitoring output indicates that the value or state is unknown.

PUB 41450
Pin assignments Note: The symbol - - - in monitoring output indicates that the value or state is unknown.

State of the V.24 circuits (on or off). Note: The symbol - - - in monitoring output indicates that the value or state is unknown.

Line speed
Configured line speed or default value assumed (if line speed is configured as 0).

Last port reset
Length of time since the port was reset.

CRC error
The number of packets received that contained checksum errors and as a result were discarded.

Alignment (byte length)
The number of packets received that were not an even multiple of 8 bits in length and as a result were discarded.

Too long (> 2048 bytes)
The number of packets that were greater than the configured frame size, and as a result were discarded.

Aborted frame
The number of packets received that were aborted by the sender or a line error.

DMA/FIFO overrun
The number of times the serial interface could not send data fast enough to the system packet buffer memory to receive them from the network.

Missed frame
When a frame arrives at the device and there is no buffer available, the hardware drops the frame and increments the missed frame counter.

L & F bits not set
On serial interfaces, the hardware sets input-descriptor information for arriving frames. If the buffer can accept the complete frame upon arrival, the hardware sets both the last and first bits of the frame, indicating that the buffer accepted the complete frame. If either of the bits is not set, the packet is dropped, the L & F bits not set counter is incremented, and the buffer is cleared for reuse.
Note:It is unlikely that the L & F bits not set counter will be affected by traffic.

Output Frame Counters:

DMA/FIFO underrun errors
The number of times the serial interface could not retrieve data fast enough from the system packet buffer memory to transmit them onto the network.

Output aborts sent
The number of transmissions that were aborted as requested by upper-level software.

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